Fragrance of Heaven

From time to time, I like you to hear from people who have deeply impacted my life. This week, it is my dear friend and author Christy Christopher. Christy has worked in women’s ministries for over 30 years and currently serves as the National Prayer Coordinator for Carol McLeod Ministries. I hope that you will be encouraged by an excerpt from her newest book “Incredible Intervention – Living Life in the Miracles of God.”

A sign or wonder from heaven is merely God’s expression of His creative intentions to cause us to turn our head and remember His loving presence with us.  

In Acts 2:43, Luke mentioned the many signs and wonders that were being performed by the apostles. Many signs and wonders were occurring in the days of the early Church. 

The Greek word for signs is the word sēmeion. It speaks of an unusual occurrence, transcending the common course of nature. The Greek word for wonders is the word teras. It refers to something so strange as to cause it to be watched or observed. It relays that emotion excited by novelty, or the presentation to the sight or mind of something new, unusual, strange, great, extraordinary, or not well understood; surprise; astonishment; admiration; amazement. 

Now I have a story to tell. 

It was a normal Saturday afternoon. I decided to go with my husband to visit and pray for a friend of ours, who was in the hospital fighting for his life in a battle with cancer. We got into the car and headed down the road. After just a couple of minutes I looked at my husband only to see him looking at me. I asked him if he smelled something. He said, “Yes.” 

Was it on our clothes? Was it coming through the vents? The moment was pregnant with mystery and wonder. 


Where was that burning, sweet fragrance coming from? 

It smelled like incense. It suddenly filled the car. Its aroma strengthened, and my husband’s eyes began to burn. As we drove along Lohr Road we suddenly pinpointed the source. 

My right hand. 

Not my left hand, just my right hand. There was only one thing to do. I put my hand to my face to simply inhale that heavenly fragrance. I simply couldn’t stop smelling the unusual aroma! And then, almost as quickly as we identified the fragrance on my right hand, my husband said his right hand, as well, had that sweet-smelling aroma. 

We drove along for forty amazing minutes until we reached the hospital. We went into our friend’s room and shared our experience with him. Our hands still carried the aroma as we visited and prayed with him. The room filled with such otherworldly peace and assurance—causing us to sit in simple amazement and wonder. 

It was a moment indeed—a holy moment for sure. 

As we prayed, we held our hands close so our friend could also share in the joy of the heavenly fragrance. The fragrance was slightly different on each of our hands. At one point, our friend took my husband’s right hand and just held it close to his face. I watched in utter amazement as he breathed in the fragrance like he was smelling a flower in heaven. Time seemed suspended for a moment that Saturday afternoon. 

It was time to go. We left the hospital and enjoyed the same aura of heaven the whole way home. Shortly after we got in our house, it left. It left just as suddenly as it came. We had been sideswiped by the glory of God—suddenly, undoubtedly, and swiftly. 

Could God have just wanted to accompany us in such a way that there could be no doubt of His attendance in our Saturday afternoon prayer meeting? The questions arise, yet in my spirit I know I am to just savor the moment and smile at God, who takes pleasure in breezing in upon His children and bringing special gifts of joy and comfort. 

It was wonderful. It was captivating. The mystery of it will always nestle in my heart. 

Do we always need an explanation of God’s actions? I think not. Some things are meant just to be savored and enjoyed. Our friend crossed over to his heavenly destination a few weeks later. There was no healing for him on this side of heaven, but I wonder to this day if God was just saying it was his time and gave all three of us a foretaste of the heavenly glory he was soon to enjoy. 

Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. (Acts 2:43) 


God's Whisper

The mountain peaks and the valley depths cannot begin to measure the expanse of how I think and the ways I want to engage with mankind. It’s my desire and wish to invade your earth-tethered thinking on a regular basis. I put you into this earth to display my glory-realm that is as near as your breath. 

What does it really mean to be filled with my Holy Spirit? I can hardly wait to explain it! You are to confront with my kindness. You are to lead with my love. You are to talk the language of truth. You are to flow like the wind at my beck and call. 

As you are in this world, act like a foreigner, because you are. As you study my word, I can teach you to think my thoughts. As you think my thoughts and love with my love, your ambassadorship will be perfected, and the aroma of heaven will always be swirling about you. 

Jesus was different when He walked upon the earth. They didn’t know what to do with Him. Some were offended. Some were intrigued. Others followed, and one betrayed. Many became disciples, and others thought murderous thoughts.

Your life should create all types of reactions as you walk with me. As we walk together and I touch you, minds will be offended, but have hope. Those who truly seek me will be attracted to the peculiar life you have. It’s never about pleasing man. It’s always about pleasing me. For in that place of union with me lies your protection and all the things you will ever need on this earth and beyond. 

Learn more about Christy Christopher at


A Season of Gratitude


It's Time