Finding Wholeness with Cyndi Wilkens - Season Four | Episode 1

Welcome to season 4 of Significant Women! Join Carol McLeod today for an inspiring interview with author, speaker, wife, and mom Cyndi Wilkens.  Cyndi was a successful business manager, working in product and sales and marketing management, and a new mom when necrotizing fasciitis (otherwise known as flesh eating disease) entered her life, and altered it forever.  She awoke after five weeks of battling this disease, to find her hands and feet had been amputated in an effort to save her life. As she grappled with the challenges of an unknown future, Cyndi was left with a question; Why did God allow this to happen to her? And furthermore, could she ever be whole again?

Connect with Cyndi and learn more of her story at

“Significant Women” is a weekly podcast for women to gather with their personal stories, dynamic hope and wisdom gleaned from the ordinary days of an uncommon life. Our goal is to simply encourage women in every season of life that their story matters; when Jesus is involved in the details, every woman’s life can be a significant representation of all that He is. 

Connect with Carol at


Taking Scripture to Heart with Ruth Coghill - Season Four | Episode 2


Joyfully Reading the Bible with Tara-Leigh Cobble - Season Three | Episode 12