Living Genuine Love with Sarah Bowling - Season Four | Episode 3

Join Carol McLeod today for an inspiring interview with guest Sarah Bowling. Led by Holy Spirit and anchored in the Word, Sarah seeks to inspire all to know the unconditional and transformational love of God in our daily lives. She is a discerning Bible teacher, an international speaker, and a global humanitarian. As part of Marilyn Hickey Ministries, Sarah co-hosts a daily television program, Today with Marilyn & Sarah, reaching a potential daily audience of 2.2 billion households worldwide. Sarah has been a key-note speaker at events all over the world and has also authored numerous books including Hanging By a ThreadHeavenly Help, In Step with the Spirit, Hey God, Can We Talk?, and Your Friendship with Holy Spirit.

Sarah is also the founder of Saving Moses, a global humanitarian organization saving babies (5 and under) every day by meeting the most urgent and intense survival needs where help is least available. Saving Moses funds and establishes revolutionary programs in nations of the world that record the highest infant mortality rate and where babies of sex workers are most susceptible to exploitation. Sarah and her husband, Reece, have three children and are Lead Pastors of Encounter Church in Denver, Colorado. 

Learn more about Sarah at

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“Significant Women” is a weekly podcast for women to gather with their personal stories, dynamic hope and wisdom gleaned from the ordinary days of an uncommon life. Our goal is to simply encourage women in every season of life that their story matters; when Jesus is involved in the details, every woman’s life can be a significant representation of all that He is. 

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Learning to Surrender with Michelle Lazurek - Season Four | Episode 4


Taking Scripture to Heart with Ruth Coghill - Season Four | Episode 2