Hearing God’s Voice with LaVondilyn Watson San Kitts - Season Four | Episode 11

Join Carol McLeod today for an exciting interview with LaVondilyn Watson San Kitts, aka That FIA Coach! LaVondilyn has been coaching entrepreneurs of faith for over 17 years. Her delivery is sheer power and Scripture-packed, and, when it comes to business, she finds power in the Word of God. LaVondilyn’s testimony of truly coming to know Jesus through the trauma of losing her mother is one you won’t soon forget. LaVondilyn’s passion for coaching and serving God through business is inspiring! 

Connect with LaVondilyn at https://fiabusinesscoaching.com/

“Significant Women” is a weekly podcast for women to gather with their personal stories, dynamic hope and wisdom gleaned from the ordinary days of an uncommon life. Our goal is to simply encourage women in every season of life that their story matters; when Jesus is involved in the details, every woman’s life can be a significant representation of all that He is. 

Connect with Carol at carolmcleodministries.com


Clinging to God’s Faithfulness Through Death and Grief with Sarah Scheiber - Season Four | Episode 12


Healing From Abuse and Identity Struggles with Kat Vazquez - Season Four | Episode 10