Finding Freedom from Depression with Jenita Pace | Episode 13

Join Carol McLeod and the Significant Women Podcast for a restorative and meaningful conversation with author and counselor Jenita Pace. After years of struggling with clinical depression, Jenita entered a new season of purpose out of pain by starting her own counseling ministry: Three Rivers Counseling. Jenita also recently released her book The Healing Names of Jesus: Find Freedom from Depression and Anxiety, which combines the power of the gospel with proven coping strategies to offer healing to those battling depression and anxiety. As a Christian and a therapist, Jenita’s writing comes from both a place of understanding intertwined with tools and resources. She hopes that through her writing she can offer hope, healing, wisdom and peace.

Connect with Jenita and her counseling ministry at

“Significant Women” is a weekly podcast for women to gather with their personal stories, dynamic hope and wisdom gleaned from the ordinary days of an uncommon life. Our goal is simply to encourage women in every season of life that their story matters; when Jesus is involved in the details, every woman’s life can be a significant representation of all that He is.

Connect with Carol at


Trusting God’s Plans with Maggie Tabbert | Episode 14


Taking Every Thought Captive with Victoria D. Walker Lydon | Episode 12