The Science of Mindset: Mimika Cooney | Episode 3

Every problem in life starts with a thought, doesn’t it? Often we get stuck in perpetual cycles of bad thought patterns that cause us to repeat behaviors, over and over again. But what if there was another way? You CAN learn new ways, new habits, and new behaviors because the brain is an amazing organ that is always learning. My guest today is Mimika Cooney, and she is a mindset and neuroplasticity expert. She’s going to help us learn how to shift our mindset and develop grit. If you love to think about what you think and you’ve ever wondered why you think it, today’s episode is for you. Check out Mimika Cooney’s latest book, Untick Your Mind.

Connect with Mimika Cooney on her website at

The Significant Women podcast is full of personal stories, dynamic hope, and sage wisdom from women who have gleaned all that they can from the ordinary days of an uncommon life. They aren’t significant because of their fame or success…they are significant because Jesus is in the details of their lives.

Connect with Carol McLeod at


Our Faithful God with Katie Davis Majors | Episode 4


But God Had Other Plans with Julie Seals | Episode 2