Discipling Your Kids with Melissa Swain - Season 6 | Episode 12

Join Carol McLeod on today’s episode of the Significant Women podcast featuring special guest Melissa Swain. Melissa spent nearly 23 years as a pastor’s wife and is a mom, homeschool teacher, writer, and editor. While in the middle of writing a book on discipling your children, Melissa’s husband Chris passed away unexpectedly. With the encouragement of her children, Melissa felt called to complete the book and share it with the world in her husband’s honor. Listen in today for lessons from the book and Melissa’s story.

Order Write It On Their Hearts: Practical Help for Discipling Your Kids at https://www.thegoodbook.com/write-it-on-their-hearts

“Significant Women” is a weekly podcast for women to gather with their personal stories, dynamic hope and wisdom gleaned from the ordinary days of an uncommon life. Our goal is to simply encourage women in every season of life that their story matters; when Jesus is involved in the details, every woman’s life can be a significant representation of all that He is. 

Connect with Carol at https://www.carolmcleodministries.com/


Discovering Good News with Pam Farrel - Season 6 | Episode 13


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