The Secret of Continuous Joy
What if I told you that I knew of a way for you to have continuous joy in your soul … peace in your mind … and wisdom for every situation? Wouldn’t you want to know my secret?
The Living Word of God
The God of the universe has granted to us His wisdom … His heart … and His promises … in written format.
3 Ways to Treasure Your Friends
From special guest blogger, Becky Harling…Have you noticed? People are smiling again. In many states, as people have gotten vaccinated, the mask mandate has been lifted. I think many have wrestled with loneliness during the pandemic. Loneliness is the ache in our souls to feel connected and to belong. And you know what? That ache was given to us by Almighty God who wants us to feel connected to Him and others.
What are you afraid of? It’s a good question, isn’t it? It is a question that we all must answer with the greatest amount of courage we are able to muster. What is that one thing that brings absolute terror … unabated anxiety … and raging worry to your soul?