3 Creative Ways to Remember God’s Faithfulness
A Note from Carol: I love giving some of my dearest friends a voice during the summer on my Joy for the Journey blog. Let me introduce you to Susan Myers. She’s the creative director here at Carol McLeod Ministries, but she also has a way with words.
I know she has something rich and wise to share with you, and I hope you will take the time to enjoy this post and soak in her insight. I also hope you will take the time to reach out to her at susan@carolmcleodministries.com.
Don’t worry … I am still here, and I will be back writing Joy for the Journey next week. In the meantime, I am writing a new Bible Study and preparing all sorts of wonderful ministry events for the fall. Blessings and joy!
If we’re going to be friends, you need to know a little something about me: I am quite possibly the most forgetful person on the planet. I don’t mean to be, and God knows I have tried ALL. THE. THINGS. to help me remember, but still…I forget Zoom calls, miss doctor’s appointments, and even call my kids by the dog’s name sometimes. I forget what I ate for lunch yesterday and where we went on vacation two summers ago and what my husband’s phone number is. I forget what our last argument was about, and why I don’t like tofu, and even where I hid one of my son’s Christmas presents.
I am helplessly reliant on hand-written notes and lists, which sometimes get digitized and transferred to my phone or my laptop, but more often than not get stuffed in a drawer, never to be seen again. Even now as I type this, I have a notebook and pen by my side to write down anything I might suddenly remember that I forgot, lest it slip from my mind entirely like water splashing from an overly-full bucket. My brain is much like my life: overstuffed and over-stimulated, anxiety-riddled and restless, laser-focused yet somehow still missing the mark.
We’re being honest here, right? Because I could lie to you and tell you I have it all together…but I want our friendship to be based in honesty. And honestly, I need Jesus. He is the only thing that makes my life make sense. One of the verses that I absolutely cling to is Romans 8:28, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” He takes it all - my forgetfulness, my flaws, and my entire surrendered life - and somehow, He weaves it all together for good. If that isn’t miraculous, I really don’t know what is.
He has been there at every step of my life, guiding and leading me, even when I couldn’t see it. Of all the things I want to remember, the most important is God’s faithfulness to me. In times of trouble, it’s easy to forget. It’s easy to let doubt overwhelm you and discouragement sink your spirit. But one of the best ways to keep your faith alive during challenging times is to remember what God has done in the past.
3 Creative Ways to Help You Remember God’s Faithfulness
Trusty Prayer Journal.
This is by far the least creative method on the list, but it is the most practical and straightforward. Grab a notebook and your favorite pen. Write down your prayer requests, with dates. As you see God answering those prayers, write it down. He is always faithful to answer, just not always in the way we would like. When you face a tough time, go back through and re-read your prayer journal. Thank Him for answering you in the past and thank Him - in advance - for what He is already doing in your present situation.
Post-Its in a Jar.
This is a great method to use as a family, especially if you have little ones. Get a big mason jar and a stack of sticky notes. Place it prominently somewhere in your home…maybe on the kitchen counter or on a table in the living room. Have each member of the family write on their own sticky note a way they saw God working during the week. Be sure to date them. Fold them up and put them in the jar. When troubles come, take your notes out and share them with each other. Celebrate what God has done in the past and thank Him for what He is about to do.
Stones in a bowl.
This is similar to “Post-Its in a Jar” but so much more aesthetically pleasing. I do not recommend this for moms of littles… glass + rocks = danger. But for singles, couples, or those with older kiddos, this is so fun and absolutely gorgeous. Gather some stones (either from nature or the store) and a fish bowl (or other glass container). Each time you see God moving in your life, put the date on the stone with a Sharpie and place it in the bowl. Remember that each stone represents God’s love and care for you. You can also keep a written record of what the dates signify.
However you choose to remember God’s faithfulness, don’t forget to celebrate and treasure those times when you see Him working…because there are going to be times when you don’t see Him, times when you don’t feel like worshiping, and times when you just plain don’t want to go on. It is in those moments that we need to be able to look back, because His faithfulness before assures His faithfulness now. He is a good God who can be trusted completely, and just because you don’t see Him doesn’t mean He’s not working, just because you don’t feel like worshiping doesn’t mean it isn’t one of the most powerful weapons against the darkness, and just because you want to quit doesn’t mean all hope is lost. What He has done before, He can do again!
Friend, if I can call you that now, I would love to know what ways you help yourself remember His goodness. Would you share them with me in the comments?