Use Your Mustard Seed
There have been days when I have been a weak, blubbering mess …and other days when I have been a stalwart warrior against the kingdom of darkness.
Through it all … I have had a painful -yet beneficial- awareness that I have needed to increase my faith for the devastating days of life.
Believe for It
Do you need encouragement today? Have you been standing in strong faith for an answer to prayer … or a miracle … or even a breakthrough in your life?
3 Creative Ways to Remember God’s Faithfulness
Join Susan Myers on the blog this week as she shares 3 creative ways to remember God’s faithfulness. “He takes it all - my forgetfulness, my flaws, and my entire surrendered life - and somehow He weaves it all together for good. If that isn’t miraculous, I really don’t know what is.”
What are you afraid of? It’s a good question, isn’t it? It is a question that we all must answer with the greatest amount of courage we are able to muster. What is that one thing that brings absolute terror … unabated anxiety … and raging worry to your soul?