Grace Has a Space in Hard Conversations with Lysa TerKeurst
Lysa Terkhuerst is an amazing woman who has weathered storms, endured deep disappointment and knows personally the raw emotion of heartbreak. And yet, she has maintained a vibrant faith and continues to encourage others to love the Lord and to treasure His Word. She is my guest this week on both “The Significant Women” Podcast and here on my blog. She has written a new book, “Good Boundaries and Goodbyes”. I pray that you will love Jesus more after you read her blog and that you will indeed discover joy for your journey.
What are you afraid of? It’s a good question, isn’t it? It is a question that we all must answer with the greatest amount of courage we are able to muster. What is that one thing that brings absolute terror … unabated anxiety … and raging worry to your soul?