Today is Someday
“Someday, I’ll…” fill in the blank. We love someday, don’t we? In fact, we put a lot of things on our schedule for someday. And those someday items range from big to small, necessary to fanciful. I’m as guilty as anyone. Someday, I’ll organize that closet. Someday, I want to visit Hawaii. Someday, I want to pet an elephant. Someday, we’ll have dinner with friends we’ve been meaning to catch up with. And for those with small children, someday we’ll get to go to the bathroom in peace. Yes, someday is getting pretty full.
The Secret of Continuous Joy
What if I told you that I knew of a way for you to have continuous joy in your soul … peace in your mind … and wisdom for every situation? Wouldn’t you want to know my secret?
The Living Word of God
The God of the universe has granted to us His wisdom … His heart … and His promises … in written format.
What are you afraid of? It’s a good question, isn’t it? It is a question that we all must answer with the greatest amount of courage we are able to muster. What is that one thing that brings absolute terror … unabated anxiety … and raging worry to your soul?