My One Regret
You know … when we all get to heaven … we will be invited to join in perpetual worship. We will rejoice and sing praises for thousands upon thousands of years. But we won’t be able to lead anyone to Jesus.
You know … when we all get to heaven …we will be able to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to His Words … His wisdom … and His power. But we won’t be able to lead anyone to Jesus.
You know … when we all get to heaven … we will be able to talk to God … and look into His glorious face. But we won’t be able to lead anyone to Jesus.
Does this not just make your heart stop with eternal pain?
I am Victorious, Free, Secure...and a Watercolor Artist
Significant events change who we are, and what we’re called. What we call ourselves generally directs how we spend our energy. For example, as a wife, a mom, a homeowner, and retired … I tend to spend my time and energy nourishing these areas of my life. Likewise, being victorious, free and secure in my eternity … they, too, direct my energy. On a day-to-day basis, in the crazy and often chaotic life on planet earth, they give me a sense of peace. And hope.
Forced Blooms
In late winter, I love browsing the floral department in my grocery store. There are the usual assortments of cacti, cut flowers flown in from the south, and stunning forced-bloom forsythias. The forsythias are noble—long, leggy branches with yellow buds exploding through a thin skin of bark. Eye-catching. Almost prideful.
In the Light of His Love
A lightbulb went on for me when I realized that if my thoughts got me into a depression, then it could be my thoughts that could get me out. In other words, God helped me to think my way out of the darkness, and He can do the same for you!
Expectantly Waiting
We all encounter an unending March on our journey to spring, don’t we? We all must face a time of waiting with no visible signs of encouragement. We all choose how to deal with the March grayness of life. I believe that underneath every discouraging, dull March moment is hidden an indescribable glory reserved for those who choose to wait well.
You're Going to Make It After All!
Nothing is too difficult for our God, so you are going to make it after all! The power of God that is vibrantly and actively alive inside of you is by far greater than any problem that you face … than any circumstance that comes your way … or than any unkind person who torments you.
Remembering Who You Are
Women are afflicted with self-induced amnesia when it comes to remembering who God created us to be. God created you, my friend, with divine purpose and with miraculous destiny in His brilliant and eternal mind.
Silencing the Shamer - Enough is Enough
From Laura Acuna: My shame story began when I was eleven. I entered seventh grade at five feet tall and weighed one hundred pounds, but by the time I left junior high, my weight doubled. Yes, you read that correctly. In the brief span of only a few years, I gained over one hundred pounds.
Change Is Coming...
I have heard it said that there is only one thing that never changes in life …. and that is the undeniable certainty that something is about to change! There is a personal problem that is found in that certainty … I am a girl who doesn’t like change!
How Does Heaven Measure Success?
What does it mean to be a truly successful person? More importantly … what does success mean to you?
Don't Die Before You're Dead
Contrary to what Hollywood and People magazine have tried to tell you … You are NOT too old!
How to Trade Your Doubts for Brave Faith
God welcomes our questions. His Word can stand up to the strongest of scrutiny. But unresolved doubt can lead to the deconstruction of our faith.
How to Lead Someone to the Lord
My heart beats with a passion to tell people about Jesus … about His great love for us … about His amazing grace … and about the abundant life He is willing to give each one of us.
When All You See Are Gray Skies and Dark Days
Gray skies … Dark days … Frigid temperatures … Barren trees. Large numbers on the bathroom scale … low numbers in my checking account … an empty house … a lonely heart. Such is the culture of January. If I am not careful, I can be swallowed alive by the cold and gloom … by the emptiness … of January.
The Magnificent Gift of Time
The Father … when He created mankind thousands of years ago … put eternity in our hearts. Imagine that! You and I are made of the stuff of which eternity is made! It’s that slice of eternity in our hearts that causes us to be uncomfortable in the measuring cup of time.
A Note from Carol: One of the most fulfilling aspects of my ministry is the privilege of partnering with others who have dedicated their lives to proclaiming the hope and truth found in God’s Word. I believe we are in a season where God is amplifying the voices of those uniquely called to inspire, encourage, and equip the Church. Today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Chanel Dokun. She is not only a gifted life coach but also a passionate advocate for helping women discover their purpose and build fulfilling lives. With her expertise in personal growth and her deep understanding of God’s Word, Chanel combines practical wisdom with spiritual truth in a way that feels both empowering and transformative. It is an honor to share my platform with her, and I know you will be deeply blessed by her insights.